There's an overpaid, overrated, shutter shades wearin', microphone stealin' (and most likely legally retarded) rapper out there who has somehow found it fit to brand himself with the title of "lyrical wordsmith." Laura Veirs should sue the pants off him, or at least deliver a swift uppercut and take back what's hers. On 2007's "Saltbreakers," Veirs lays meticulous eloquence down on a bed of swirling folky instrumentation. My personal favorite example of this is on the album's third track, "Drink Deep." She sings, "...and the fire closed his eyes, tipped his flame hat and slipped through the dire rye. We wandered romantic, we scattered dark branches with the singing green stars as our guide." Recurring themes of oceania and stars guide this record into the harbor in the ears of the listener and there it stays for a good long time.
For fans of: Madeline, The Decemberists, Jenny Lewis
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