The fourth full length from this Philadelphia-based one man arsenal of sound, "Redefining Music" is a healthy part of this balanced breakfast. Retaining the classic sequencer-heavy punk sound that he's so well-known for, this record comes with full force, as well as plenty of beeps and boops. This album is home to cover songs like "Seed Song," "Going to Georgia," "Alpha Desperation March" and "Open Your Heart" (the first three being by The Mountain Goats while the last is a Madonna cover) as well as Atom and His Package staples, "Anarchy Means I Litter," "Undercover Funny," "Shopping Spree," and (my personal favorite song of his) "Upside Down from Here." The longest song on this release clocks in at around 3:18, and just as well. Punk songs are short and sweet and this record packs a shitload of sweet.
For fans of: Armalite, Bomb the Music Industry!, The Dead Milkmen
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